Monday, March 17, 2008

Hooray for Galloway!

Ok, so I didn't keep good on my word to keep y'all updated on my adventures.

I lived the life of a roaming inspector for 4 days. Lots of driving and bumpy roads. Lots of sun. Lots of eating gas station crap you shouldn't be eating. By the end of the week, you can guess that I was tired!

While I was in Window Rock, I worked out two or three days at the Wellness Center. I applied for membership there last year and never picked up my card so I stopped by on Monday to see if my card was still on file. The guy who helped me took out this huge log of a box stuffed with unclaimed cards. I gave him my last name and he scoured the 'C' section 3 times before declaring there was nothing.

He asked me about four times if I was sure I signed up at that particular branch.

Finally, we went to the computer and he did a query of my full name. Nothing came up. I was pretty sure that I signed up and did remember having issues once with my registered name but couldn't remember what the issue was. So I tell him to do a query of just my first name and voila! my name shows up.

Turns out I forgot that I registered with my husband's last name. haha I'm just so used to my maiden name and even now I consider the thought of never changing my last name since I'm going back to grad school and have dreams of a PhD someday. I've worked too hard to change it now.

Anyway, I kept the mileage low last week since I had a nagging pain on the innerside of my left calf. It's not necessarily a shin splint since it's not near the middle or outside of the calf. I don't know what it is but I think I may have to get some new shoes soon.

Yesterday, I employed the Galloway method when doing my long run because I wanted to make sure I was treating the leg nicely. I even walked a whole mile for my warm-up. I ran about 3:45 - 4:00 minutes and followed with walking for 1:00 min. I was surprised at how energetic I was still feeling after five miles and I was only adding 10-15 seconds to my projected marathon pace of 12:00 minutes. Near the end, I ran a full mile non-stop from the 5 to 6 mile interval at 10:59 pace. Nice! I felt I needed to push my body a bit near the end so it could start adjusting to fatigue.

I ended my loop at Tempe Town Lake with 7.3 miles under my belt.

This run was my relax break according to my marathon training schedule. Next week the long run is slated for 10 miles. Oh boy, it's been awhile since I've covered such a distance.

Hope all is well.


J~Mom said...

As you probably know I am a huge Galloway fan. I could never have started this journey without the walk breaks.

I know you can do 10 miles!! Go for it!:>D

Phil said...

Congrats on a great long run Carmen.

MNFirefly said...

Nice job, Carmen!!