Saturday, March 22, 2008

Get With It! But so Tired

This was basically how I was feeling this week. I didn't do so hot racking up the miles. I'm even embarrassed to put the numbers up here.

It was a relatively tame week in comparison to the past two weeks I've been out of the office and jet-setting about. On Wednesday and Thursday, I took a short trip to Whiteriver, Arizona - on the White Mountain Apache reservation. It was simply beautiful out there! Great hiking and camping country.

Anyway, I was trying to make myself put in some miles on Thursday and on Friday evening but my body was still tired from all the traveling. It felt like I wasn't fully recovered from ALL of the traveling because my body never really got a rest on the weekends. The weekends were always full of long running. I think I need something like a massage to get the effects of full relaxation or something.

Anyhow, I am about to put in a 4-mile run this morning on the treadmill.

I need to commit.

I will be starting a hard copy of my running journals. I think I feel more rewarded when I right down things on paper with pen. BUT, today - hopefully new shoes!


Phil said...

Traveling knocks the crap out of me and the rising temperatures in Phoenix aren't very motivating. Go get yourself a nice sports massage and start slowly ramping up the miles next week

J~Mom said...

It's hard to keep it all balanced but you can do it!

MNFirefly said...

Take it slow, Carmen. Once you get a routine going, it will get easier.