Saturday, July 26, 2008

Eugene pictures

Here are some long overdue pictures that were taken when me and the hubby were up in Oregon for the Eugene 1/2 Marathon back in May. We had a grand old time and leaving was definitely such sweet sorrow!

It's time to pick up our packets!

Expo crowd

In front of the famous Hayward Field

We snickered at there t-shirt statements. Very clever! haha

We walked over to the starting line from our hotel. It was only a 1/2 mile and super exciting to see the green balloons and all those people!

I am so happy to be here!

A quarter mile in.

Just one of many super supportive local people.


All that while fighting a cold!


Dubs said...

great job! Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Unknown said...

I wouldn't mind being an official nipple taper! Great job you did despite the cold you had.

Phil said...

Hello! you still out there? Hope all is well.

J~Mom said...

How are you doing?