Thursday, January 24, 2008

Week 2: Born for Endurance

I read a while back about the study of the correlation between ring finger to index finger length ratio and exposure to prenatal testosterone. As I was logging into my email today, this story caught my eye and I just had to read it. The part I found most interesting is near the end of the article where it states,
But "the links with sports are the strongest I've found," Manning says. "They're particularly strong with endurance running." He theorizes that prenatal testosterone benefits the cardiovascular system.

I immediately examined my hands and found that my ring finger is longer than my index finger. The difference is more noticeable on my right hand. (Yeah, I have Pillsbury Doughboy hands. haha) I would say that endurance running is somewhat of a forte for me in terms of athletic ability. For someone my size and weight, I can hold out at a regular pace for a number of miles. Most of my slender counter parts find this a bit difficult even if they identify themselves as athletic or have an affinity for running. This is only what I've encountered with my friends though.

Interesting study, nonetheless.

In the past couple of days, I've switched from the Runner's World Ultimate Marathon Training Plan to one that I found in a more recent issue of RW. I don't have the issue on hand so I can't say what month it's from. It may be December or January. In it, there is a Rookie Plan and I find it easier to commit to especially since I haven't been running consistantly lately. My training plan is part Galloway---meaning, I'll use the walking break method if needed.

Tonight, I was supposed to do 3-4 miles but I got a late start at the gym which closes at 11 pm. This certain anal security dude likes to intrude about 5 minutes early and start shutting stuff down and turning off the lights. He pissed me off when I had about 2 minutes left and a quarter mile to go because he told me the gym was closed. I thought I'd bite my tongue this time but if he pulls me off the treadmill early again before closing time I'm going to tell him to back off and give me my extra minutes.

I ran at a faster pace tonight just because of the time constraint and I felt absolutely spectacular after finishing. I felt like I could go for another mile. I was ranging between a 5.1 - 5.5 pace although the last 15 minutes I kept at 5.4. It was about an 11:20 average pace.

Last night I ran 2 miles but forgot to document this.

Tonight's Numbers:
Running - 2.73 miles @ 11:40 pace


Deene said...

waahh! you could slap out a giant tortilla.

J~Mom said...

That would irritate me about the gym closing early...grrr!

If you want to join us for any distance tomorrow you are welcome! We do walk/run though. We bargained for 6:30 am. Email me off my blog if you want the details. :>)

Bev said...

Cool info on the finger length. My ring finger is longer too. Hope that inspires me to run further and faster.